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Continuous monitoring VS process monitoring

Do you know the difference between these two monitoring modes?
There is a substantial difference, read below:

- Continuous monitoring means monitoring typically of fixed systems (eg refrigerators) that has a start (installation) and ideally has no end. There is the need to save the data in cascade (append) that is to put in sequence all the data that arrive from the single sensor so as to create a history that can be consulted via time filters (1 day, 1 week, etc.).
A solution of this type is, for example, the DeepWave:

- By process monitoring it means a monitoring of processes with start and end, with a defined duration, for example: transport, sterilization, etc.
There is the need to identify what we call "Mission" or a certain number of acquisitions in a precise interval of time recorded by the same sensor.

Do you have to monitor a process and you don’t know which system is the right one?
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