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PCTO - Pathways for Transversal Skills and Orientation.

PCTO are Pathways for Transversal Skills and Orientation.

Our company strongly believes in young people and the transmission of knowledge.

For this reason, we have been collaborating with various high schools for years on "Alternanza scuola-lavoro" programmes, now called PCTO.

Last year, two young people found their first job with us, as soon as they finished their studies, and they still work with us. This month we are expecting a third!

Here is the testimony of a parent of one of the boys involved:

I would like to thank you for the hospitality and expertise with which you and your staff welcomed the boys throughout the project; it was a highly formative experience for my son - not least because of the skills he came into contact with - and I am sure it will be a topic of interest at the final high school examination. This proves that the PCTO is not as useless as some would have us believe, you just need to involve the right companies. Congratulations!