WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR Exchange Your Logger Promotion Expires on December 31st! Hurry up! If you have a temperature and/or pressure logger for high temperatures used do not hesitate! Contact us NOW and request an evaluation: Order the new kit, enhance your old system and save money!
Are you a temperature-controlled transporter? Do you need a system to prove that everything went well on the way? Do you need to store such a precious commodity like the vaccines for Covid19 in warehouses? Tecnosoft is ready to face this global challenge! Our goal is to monitor that the integrity of…
Are you constantly looking for a system that allows you to collect important Data for your process and for your application? Have you already tried several solutions but they don’t reflect your real needs? Like tailors, we can transform your ideas and we can design a tailor-made system that …
In nature, micro-organisms are incredibly diverse, and consist of both useful and harmful types. Pasteurisation is a process used to considerably reduce the number of micro-organisms, to a level where it is unlikely that they are able to cause disease, while conserving the desired properties of …
S-Micro temperature data logger from 0°C to 220°C with different lengths external probe. t is used in different applications: Food&Beverage, Sterilisation, Pasteurisation, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Validation, Healthcare, Laboratories.
Steam, how can be it used during a sterilisation process?
Several pharmaceutical companies, working tirelessly throughout 2020, have finally managed to produce and make available vaccines against the COVID-19 virus . Vaccines have already passed the testing and approval phase. They just need to be distributed. One might think that it is all downhill …
Tecnosoft will be closed from december the 24th 2020 till the 6th january 2021 included. We will open again on thursday the 7th.
Tecnosoft may be the key piece for the logistical challenge posed by the new anti-Covid vaccine. A very complex challenge since it must be transported and stored at a temperature below -70 ° C. In fact, the company has developed systems using various technologies, from Contactless to Bluetooth, …
The humidity and temperature of the cellar are two important parameters. If you are interested in a cellar for wines, cured meat or cheeses, you can’t ignore these elements if you want to obtain an environment that guarantees you quality conservation. Wine cellar temperature and humidity …